Thursday, December 5, 2013

What God Hath Wrought

(A letter from Gloriae Dei Cantores, printed in the program for our 25th Anniversary Gala Concert)

It was 1988, and under the direction of Elizabeth Patterson, the choir had just
finished two month-long study periods in Cambridge, England, singing more than
one hundred pieces of choral repertoire, and completing eight levels of the Royal School
of Church Music theory program, the Modus Novus sight-singing course, daily
classes of Gregorian chant, and weekly personal voice lessons. In this same year,
one of the Community’s Founders died, and the dream of the future Church of the
Transfiguration began to take shape.

We had no idea of the adventure that was about to unfold.

As the winds of dramatic change began to sweep across Eastern Europe and the
former Soviet Union, the breath of the Holy Spirit was leading the newly named
Singers to the Glory of God to sing his praises in countries that had been
closed both to America, and to the sung word of God. From the outposts of Irkutsk to
the mountains of Croatia, the choir bridged cultural and ecumenical divides,
sharing the love and hope of Christ in churches and concert halls in twenty-three
countries. No one but the Divine Orchestrator could have brought together the
people in the places at the time we were there, to fling open doors in ways that would never have been possible.

Over the years, the challenges were manifold and daunting, as we struggled
to achieve the excellence and beauty that would honor and glorify God. We
sometimes flagged -- in faith, in effort, in energy, and in charity. But there were
many who stood with us, encouraging, teaching, and challenging us to the highest
standards of performance artistry. And there were others who sacrificed time,
resources, and prayers, supporting the mission of inspiration and healing that
can come through sacred texts sung from the hearts of consecrated lives. Along
the way we had the privilege of wonderful collaborations and performance
opportunities, forming deep friendships through shared musical experiences across
this country and abroad. God took our feeble offerings, and like the miracle of the
loves and the fishes, multiplied them to feed a hungry world.

Join us tonight, as with heartfelt gratitude,
we celebrate 25 years of God’s abundant faithfulness.

Gloriae Dei Cantores

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