Thursday, April 25, 2013

Well-tuned Instrument

I've been thinking recently about the voice as an instrument.  We all have vocal regimes in GDC and we each know what we need to do to warm-up, rest, diet, exercise, etc.....  
Like any athlete or musician.  But what you can't do with your voice is shoot a scolding look at your vocal chords when a wrong note or bad sound comes out - like you might with a squeaky reed or stuck valve.  You're it - there's nothing else to blame.  It's one of the most challenging things about singing.  My voice is like pulling-up my insides and saying to everyone "here, have a look".  And sometimes it's not pretty.  But isn't that what we respond to in a singer who moves us.  Not that their execution is flawless (although accuracy in the technical makes way for greater emotional impact|) but the willingness to share themselves - just as they are - through their voice-what the text has said to them and what the harmonies have taught them.  

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